Night Owl - The Best of BBS
Night Owl The Best of BBS (NOP-BBS) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).iso
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File List
441 lines
0394SON.ZIP 9478 03-16-94 SON-net PC Echo Net Info - Biblical matters
| (Now a high speed modem on each node)
1C_NNET.ZIP 9216 02-04-94 Information packet on NIGHTNet! 02/94 A new
4660A.ZIP 6175 09-22-93 PCB-UUCP Discussion capture
ACCNET42.ZIP 24688 03-15-94 █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
| █ █
| █ ┌───────────┐ █
| █ │ AccessNet │ █
| █ └───────────┘ █
| █ █
| █─────────────────────────────────────────█
| █ Friendly netmail, in a class by itself █
| █─────────────────────────────────────────█
| █ ─── Established April, 1991 ─── █
| █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█
| Supported interfaces: Any QWK compatible
| system, RoseMail, and PostLink!
ADDR1193.ZIP 13622 11-15-93 How to find people's e-mail addresses on
| the Internet. some helpful info and tips
ALTGROUP.ZIP 5424 12-13-93 So You Want to Create an Alt Newsgroup" gives
| the lowdown on what the "alt. " hierarchy
| really is, and some pointers on getting the
| group of your choice created.
AMER9307.ZIP 15688 07-10-93 AmericaNet Echo Mail Net Info File July 1993
| Are you looking for a.QWK/PCRelay Network?
ANNX0294.ZIP 22073 01-31-94 THE ANNEX INFORMATION PACKET as of 02/01/94.
ARNET024.ZIP 4246 02-19-94 ARnet EchoMail Network Information Pack
| ARnet is an Amateur Radio Oriented Net
| FIDO & QWK distribution available
BBBASICS.ZIP 12302 09-12-93 BBS Basics, information for new BBS users!
| Reprinted Courtesy Pasco BBS Magazine.
BD20.ZIP 168975 02-04-94 Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet, Version 2
| [AUTO UL BY SYSOP 02-10-94].
BESTNET.ZIP 25095 09-17-93 ┌─────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ ░░▒▒▓▓██ MLPNET.ZIP ██▓▓▒▒░░ │
| │ Information on how to join the │
| │ growing MLPNET from The NASA MLP │
| │ BBS in Port Orchard, WA. Includes │
| │ current Newsletter and APEBS appl. │
| │ Join the fun - echo the Nationally │
| │ Famous Hammster Conference! │
| └─────────────────────────────────────┘
BGI13.ZIP 105032 02-06-94 The Beginner's Guide to the Internet" is a
| full-color, computer-based tutorial about the
| Internet. It is complete! Step-by-Step!
BIGD10.ZIP 156265 04-04-94 "Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet" E.F.F.
| (via Project Gutenberg)
C2C_0194.ZIP 48794 01-04-94 City2City NetMail Service INFOPAK 01/94 - NEW
CAPLNK93.ZIP 9699 02-28-94 CAPLink Mail Network
| This is the online application,
| node list, and rule information
| program all in one. This program
| is for PCBoard 15.1 systems that
| are running the CAPLink Echo Mail
| network.
| For more information on CAPLink
| download the latest CAPLink
| information packet from your local
| BBS system or call: (708) 854-0255
| or (416) 287-0935 and download it.
CAP_9403.ZIP 12125 02-28-94 CAPLink
| CAPLink, a computer oriented echo mail
| network. This network offers conference
| for the programmer whether they are
| experienced or not. We also have some
| technical conferences for application
| programs.
| We maintain a professional atmosphere as
| well having a professional administrative
| staff.
| Become a member today by downloading this
| information packet. All the information
| to join CAPLink is contained inside.
| CAP/USA ■ (708) 854-0255
| CAP/CANADA ■ (416) 287-0935
CCI_APP.ZIP 6454 03-12-94 Canadian Christian Interchange Network INFO
| Centipede is in need of Hubs in Europe,
| and Southern USA. Transfers are both
| QWK and Fidonet supported. If you
| wanted to give your Users, or join a
| network of writers and poets, then this
| is what you have been searching for.
| This packet update: 9310.
| ───"I─Write,─Therefore,─I─Develop"───
CNET9306.ZIP 16008 06-03-93 Collnet - A Qwk And Postlink Compatible BBS
| Network That Focuses on Collectables∙ Many
| Conferences Ranging From Sports Cards to
| Matchbooks∙ In Most Cases You Can Make Your
| First Mail Run With in 24 Hours of Receipt of
| Your Application∙ Collnet - "the Network For
| Serious Collectors"∙
CNT0294.ZIP 6079 02-01-94 CatNet (TM) QWK Network Application.
| If you are seeking for a network
| to join and share your creativity,
| then this is the Premiere in Networking
| technology. Linked with fantastic
| members, your thoughts shall not go
| unheard, and you shall receive many
| replies. Centipede.
CN_INFO.ZIP 22290 07-09-93 CircuitNet Info File for Joining.
COAST.ZIP 4459 10-08-93 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Coast to Coast Net Mail Service Info │
| │ ---------------------------------------- │
| │ Over 100 of the world's best systems │
| │ dedicated to QUALITY mail. │
| │ ---------------------------------------- │
| │ * Zero Bureaucracy * 80 Conferences │
| └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
CROSS993.ZIP 24525 09-11-93 CrossNet(tm) the Fido Technology Network
| that crosslinks to RaceNet and RFNet.
| We now have a ARRL-HQ echo!
| RaceNet is one of the hottest
| motorsports networks today!
| Come join our easy going/relaxed
| network.
CW_IA_20.ZIP 16096 10-29-93 IntApp/Intelec Network Application Generator
CYBR0993.ZIP 6273 08-24-93 CyberNet Information Pack - 09/93 Information
DHARMA.ZIP 33973 01-10-94 DharmaNet information/application package.
DRGN0294.ZIP 13087 02-01-94 DragoNet (02-01-94) info/application packet
DVLINK.ZIP 7615 10-30-93 The Delaware Valley Connection echo net info
ECHOFUN1.ZIP 3105 03-01-94 Echo Fun Version 1 By John Kleinbauer Short
| text file that explains some of the problems
| and solutions of starting an Echo Mail Net.
ELECT03.ZIP 91914 11-03-93 ELECT03.ZIP > THE 1ST NATIONAL Electronic
EMERGNET.ZIP 7862 11-27-93 Emergency Network Application.
FDTN_003.ZIP 5317 03-20-94 FrontDoor Tech Note: USR HST/DS/V.32Terbo
| problems, config, fax, etc.
FD_9402.ZIP 9054 03-21-94 Friends Network Mail Packet, FEB,1994
| "Come Join The Friendly Network"
| Nodelist, Conference List, Network Rules
| Network Membership Application, News
FIDOCONF.ZIP 11582 02-13-94 Fido North America conference list
FILEBONE.NA 62829 03-11-94 Zone 1 FidoNet File Distribution Echos & Hqs
GALNETAP.ZIP 7038 01-27-94 Galactic Net, The Sci-fiEntertaiment Co A
GI13A.ZIP 99589 03-22-94 The Beginner's Guide to the Internet 1.3a
| PC-based Internet tutorial
GKIT0793.ZIP 9409 07-10-93 GreenNet PC Echo Net Info Kit
GLNK1193.ZIP 118985 11-03-93 Global-Link PC Echo Net information packet
GLP_NET.ZIP 57589 12-28-93 GLP-Net Information Package...PC Echo Net
GNET0394.ZIP 61700 03-15-94 ▄████████▄ ───────────────────────────────
| ████▀ ▀▀▀ GnetEMS - An *EXCITING* Network
| ████ ▄▄▄▄ with author support conferences
| ████ ▀▀███ and file distribution echoes!
| █████▄▄▄███ Now in the US, Canada & Europe!
| ▀████████▀ ───────────────────────────────
| All information necessary to join this net-
| work is contained within this archive!
| If you're looking for a network where you
| Can have an active role in what you can
| offer to your users, give GnetEMS a try.
| [ March, 1994 ]
GNREG.ZIP 49015 11-23-93 GlobalNet Network Info. Package! "THE NET"
IBN_INFO.ZIP 7182 07-14-93 Information Broker PC Echo Network Info.
ILAPP24.ZIP 45309 07-01-93 ILink APPlication Form Generator v.2.4:
| Provides background information about the
| ILink international echomail network and
| generates application forms for existing
| member updates and new member applications
ILCNF401.ZIP 36227 01-01-94 Official ILink International Conference List
| for January, 1994. All ILink conferences with
| descriptions and hosts; also a short list
| suitable for a member BBS's bulletin.
ILNK0294.ZIP 95012 02-01-94 ILink International NetMail Network
| information packet for February, 1994:
| official membership listings, network map,
| and membership application.
ILNK0394.ZIP 96707 03-01-94 ILink International NetMail Network info pack
| for March, 1994. Includes membership app.
| A beginners guide to the net. This is
| part 1 of Tracy LaQuey's book.
| Anonymous FTP: world.std.com
| /OBS/The.Internet.Companion
| Provided by: watkinse@sgate.com
| 3 files - New:12-30-1993 Old:12-30-1993
| A comprehensive glossary concentrating mostly
| on terms specific to the Internet.
INTERNET.ZIP 91988 10-06-93 Beginners' Guide to the INTERNET - full color
| complete introduction. Check it out!
IN_9401.ZIP 37624 02-24-94 The Intelec Network Information File Jan 94!
| network dedicated to pro- /-/ grammers. Info
JESUSBBS.A70 18683 03-14-94 Update of international Christian BBS List
JNET0394.ZIP 21246 03-21-94 03/06/94 Information Package on JOBNET Echo
| Mail Network for Job Seekers and Employers!.
| The net is now over 66 HUBS and NODES and
| has gone international!!
| We continue to seek additional HUBS and NODES
| to keep this net on it's growth curve!
| Please consider joining this free Net!
LDS0993.ZIP 8876 08-29-93 Application For The Lds net Mail System
| Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
LNET0394.ZIP 6079 03-06-94 ==========================================
| LakeNet Information Package as of :
| ************** March 1,1994 **************
| Join this friendly QWK based network that
| covers the CANADIAN and U.S. GREAT LAKES
| REGION! Download this file and you can be
| connected in less then 24 hours. No fee to
| join or send messages anywhere in the net.
| Origin: Showcom Online (905)722-1484
| ==========================================
LNEWS94C.ZIP 2517 03-06-94 ==========================================
| LakeNews*The Offical Newsletter of LakeNet
| *********** March 1994 Issue *************
| JOIN this friendly QWK based network that
| covers the CANADIAN & U.S. GREAT LAKES.
| HUBS in Ontario, Michigan, Ohio and Duluth
| Minnesota. Origin:Showcom Online
| ==========================================
LOST0394.ZIP 4103 03-02-94 -- Attention Sysops -- Fun network! --
| LostNet is looking for sysops to carry
| this net devoted only to having fun.
| No lengthy application procedures.
| Virtually no rules or red tape.
| First come, first served. Quick and easy
| approval if you run a 24Hr/day BBS and can
| handle .QWK or FIDO based E-Mail. Check it
| out. What have you got to lose?
LOTTO993.ZIP 4088 08-21-93 LOTTONET QWKNet HUB/INFO Packet 9/93 This is
| a New QWK Compatible Message Mail Network
LUV_NET3.ZIP 5951 07-15-93 SysOp's Fast growing echo is looking for you!
MAIL0194.ZIP 132443 02-27-94 Latest (January 1994) list of mailing lists
| available on the Internet.
MERITCRZ.ZIP 553555 08-23-93 A Cruise of the Internet - Requires Windows
| Computer-based tutorial for new as well as
| experienced Internet "navigators." Introduct
| to Internet resources as diverse as supercomp
| minorities, multimedia, and even cooking.
| It will also provide information about the
| tools needed to access those resources.
METRO294.ZIP 38254 02-21-94 MetroLink International Network Information
| Packet for February 94. Join the oldest
| open free PCBoard Network.
MLST1293.ZIP 138147 01-18-94 Internet Mailing Lists as of Dec 1993.
MN0394.ZIP 21187 03-13-94 Information for joining MegNET one of the
| fastest growing nets in the Eastern USA
| MegNET is a well balanced net with subjects
| that appeal to a wide range of callers.This
| file contains a List of MegNET Conferences
| History,Node list and Intro PICs for each
| conference.
MNLK103.ZIP 8111 10-20-93 MainLink Mail Network ■ Informational and How
| To Get Started File for MainLink Mail Network
MTN1193.ZIP 4269 10-14-93 Application for the Mountain Net mail system.
| Must be QWK/REP compatible.
NENET112.ZIP 13656 02-26-94 Info for sysops on joining New England
| Network
NETHIST.ZIP 10698 01-01-94 Text file explaining the history of the
| Internet.
NIN_NET.ZIP 7478 01-16-94 New, fun network. Info pkg for NinnyNet. This
| is a new, small, fun and friendly net. Give
| us a call! We are located in Rochester, NH.
NL0993.ZIP 22721 09-18-93 NewLife Christian Net - Information packet
NWL_9309.ZIP 12171 09-20-93 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Introducing NorthWest Link! │
| │ │
| │ A small general topic E-mail network │
| │ serving the Pacific NorthWest and │
| │ beyond. Supports .QWK packet mail │
| │ transfers. Come join this network │
| │ created specifically for us in the │
| │ great Pacific NorthWest. │
| └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
OMNI0394.ZIP 10097 03-02-94 ░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███ OMNILINK Network
| ███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░ OmniLink is a QWK Mail
| packet network that specializes in fun
| and theme conferences. This Zip file
| contains everything you need to get started
| in the network. Mar 1994 Version
PBPOST.ZIP 21539 11-27-93 Pen and Brush Net for Writers & Artists
| ═══════════════════════════════════════
| P&BNet is a fast-growing network for
| writers and artists. We feature direct
| feeds from publishers and news items
| from galleries. We are using regular
| .QWK packets AND Postlink to satisfy
| all network participation requirements.
PCGNET11.ZIP 27691 11-10-93 The Professional CAD & Graphics Echo Net
| Application Information packet.
PCLINK.ZIP 37248 02-03-94 PC-LINK Network - Local Fido/Qwk alternative
| network. Supports echomail QWKMail and Point
| Operation. Information packet.
PCVRKGHT.ZIP 12250 03-21-94 PC-VRKNIGHT is an alliance of Users & Sysops
| Information packet and nodelist.
PEGALO.ZIP 8849 10-13-93 PEGA/LO Network - Postlink based pc echo net
| devoted to public's access to information. 4
PEN_9403.ZIP 23762 03-15-94 Planet Earth Network! 03/94
| Join one of the fastest growing
| International Networks! PEN actively
| covers topics ranging from environmental
| to inner city issues. PEN is also
| available through Planet Connect
| Satellite feed. Swift approval within
| 24 hrs!
PLAN0394.ZIP 12378 03-04-94 PlanoNet information packet - Come join the
| echomail network "That Just Wants To Have
| FUN" This network is aimed at sysops that
| have never done the echomail thing before,
| and at those that want a laid back approach
| to moving the mail! We're looking for Hubs
| and Nodes all around the world! Are you a
| shareware author that wants/needs a support
| conference? PlanoNet is the one for you!!
| From the International Hub, The Lunatic
| Fringe BBS, Richardson, TX
PMNETNFO.ZIP 13527 10-24-93 Information on joining Paradigm Matrix, a
| freedom of speech network geared towards the
| free of mind and free of tongue.
PNET231A.ZIP 6410 08-02-93 Welcome to PlaNet! This is a growing network
| out of Ontario that has made it's way down to
| the USA and is still looking for more people
POSTING.ZIP 6746 01-01-94 Posting rules for Usenet- Etiquette, length,
| sigs, and more explained.
PRONET.ZIP 6146 10-20-93 Sysops: Info about joining ProNet, the
| Professional Photographers Network
RACENET1.ZIP 34068 09-06-93 Multi-networking -: RaceNet, UnitedNet, Cross
| FlightNet, EuropeanRaceNet, WestSideNet.
RC_NET.ZIP 2675 03-11-94 Join RC-Net, dedicated to Radio Control Model
| It's new, and it's growing! Be a part of it!
RF1462.ZIP 11630 12-02-93 Explains the Internet for the Novice/Curious
RIME.ZIP 108086 01-23-94 Latest Rime Site list - contains
| list of hubs, location of nodes
| and node list
RIMEINFO.ZIP 109943 03-06-94 RIME E-mail network info packet. Includes
| bylaws, conference list, node list, and
| users manual.
RIP_NET.ZIP 11054 12-26-93 Latest RIP-Net (echos) info packet. Contains
| Nodelist/Nodediff/Application.
RLY0993.ZIP 212065 09-22-93 Infomation for BBSes joining RIME (RelayNet)
| network, a 1000 node network cris-crossing
| the globe - fastest mail turnaround Echo net.
ROCIE.ZIP 4714 09-25-93 Information On Joining Rocie-Net PC Echo
SAC_PAK.ZIP 40886 02-24-94 Southern Allegheny Computer Network Info Pak
SEEKNET.ZIP 61888 01-17-94 SeekNet(tm) International Mail Net Info Pack
SEEKNT11.ZIP 59888 11-03-93 - November 1993 Information Packet -
| S.E.E.K.N.E.T.! Is a Professional
| Quality International Mail Net, compatible
| with both .qwk & Front-End type mail transfer
| Designed with BOTH the User and Sysop in mind
| We bridge the gap between professional and
| friendly. What good is national mail if few
| participate in it. Our conferences are
| Unique, Fun, and Informational! Over 100
| QUALITY Nodes from Canada to Australia and
| Growing all the time! Find out Why! Run the
| program Seeknet.exe for details. You can be
| Networked with us in 48 hours!
SERCHNT1.ZIP 26695 08-06-93 An independent network for the support of
| all peoples. Discussion of Paranormal, and
| Spiritual experiences. Personal SEARCH
SEX21093.ZIP 9466 10-19-93 SEXnet/2 10/93 updated informatn/startup kit
| for this newQWK format network!
SFCN0893.ZIP 10135 08-21-93 Circuitnet node list for August 1993.
SKNET001.ZIP 7932 07-29-93 Spark Network Paris PC PKT and QWK Echo net
| Information packet. Hermes Center BBS
SL_1293.ZIP 4564 12-06-93 ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ SurrealNet International Mail Network │
| ├───────────────────────────────────────────┤
| │ December Information packet. This Net │
| │ is for PCBoard 15.0 or Wildcat! Sysops │
| │ only. Relaxed guidelines, but high │
| │ standards for approval. A New Concept │
| │ in Mail Networks that will revolutionize │
| │ them as we know it. .Marcus.Breese. │
| └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
SL_9403.ZIP 4543 03-02-94 SYSLink Mail Network
| SYSLink is a NET that is based in
| central Illinois and looking for new nodes
| and hubs all over the United States. We
| offer various conferences and total SYSOP
| control. If you are interested in a NET
| that has an easy application process and
| hopes to outdo many other NETS please down-
| load this package and apply today.
SL_NWS12.ZIP 5286 12-08-93 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │ Surreal News Maker v 1.2 │
| │ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- │
| │This is a Sysop's Aide to make News Files.│
| │It will allow you to enter a new news │
| │entry, in a Pseudo-Full Screen Editor. It│
| │also displays the news to your users in a │
| │scrolling format set to their page length.│
| │ Completely Configurable. Surreal Tech. │
| └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
SN072993.ZIP 2483 07-29-93 SilverNet Information Package For Sysops:
SRN1193.ZIP 5567 11-07-93 SRNet - Sanctified Revolutions Mail - Network
| Application, join a small but - growing
| network today! Latest Node - List Included!
SURVINFO.ZIP 10688 08-15-93 Information And Application For Survival
| PC Echo Net
SYSOPMVP.ZIP 2856 08-19-93 MVP Software Sharewar Distribution Net Info
TAP_0294.ZIP 8443 02-02-94 TAP-Net Echo Net for the Technical Programmer
TDNPKG.ZIP 4003 07-08-93 THE DELUSIONAL NETWORK PC Echo Net info pack
TEEN0793.ZIP 10658 07-10-93 How To Join TeenNET - A TEENS ONLY Message
| Network! 07/01/93.
TENET893.ZIP 4907 08-08-93 Info packete on TE-Net Email Network
THEO0394.ZIP 7905 03-28-94 THEO-NET: The Christian Theology Network.
| Easy to join, free to all BBS systems.
| If you are a Christian board, or want
| to discuss Religion, CARRY THIS!
| The Village: 408-229-0706
TNETAPP.ZIP 16541 09-20-93 TruthNet : NEW Christian Network Echo Info
TRADENT1.ZIP 9889 10-06-93 TradeNet EchoMail Application Package Fido
TURNET.ZIP 10643 08-04-93 Turnet - New Network for Turboard Sysops
UNI105CD.ZIP 14797 10-31-93 Conference descriptions for U'NI-net,
| including host information. Echo Net Dir 4
| Latest: Accurate to 10/30/93.
UNI109CD.ZIP 15360 02-28-94 Conference descriptions for U'NI-net.
UNI189.ZIP 47104 02-28-94 Information on the U'NI-net
| International echomail
| network. Dossier, Application
| and node listing. accepting
| applications from BBS systems
| compatible with the .QWK/.REP
| mail method.
USENETPR.ZIP 8373 01-01-94 Usenet Primer- Tells everything one needs to
| know before diving into Usenet newsgroups.
UUCPFAQ.ZIP 12115 02-26-92 UUCP v1.12b Frequently Asked questions
U_RULES.ZIP 8320 10-13-93 Rules For Posting To Usenet. From Usenet
| Network Administration.
VRET1193.ZIP 10052 12-23-93 Info packet for Virtual Reality PC Echo Net
VRET893E.ZIP 8421 08-08-93 Info on VRETNET. A net dealing with Virtual
| Reality and New Technologies.
WAXNET1A.ZIP 5827 08-03-93 WaxNet Application Join an exciting new QWK
| style network with no legnthy application
WCLAW893.ZIP 13692 08-25-93 WCLawNet The Law Enforcement Echo Mail
| Network! Information packet
WHATIS_I.ZIP 11755 10-12-93 What Is The Internet?
WHATIS_U.ZIP 8160 10-13-93 What Is Usenet?
WHATSUSE.ZIP 7773 01-01-94 What's Usenet- Informative text on USENET.
WIRE0294.ZIP 14249 02-21-94 WiReNET - les/bi/gay PC Echo Net info packet